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网站标题: | 空気調和・衛生工学会 |
网站简介: | 空気調和・衛生工学会は、空気調和、衛生、環境、エネルギー等に関する工学領域における学術団体として活動しています。 |
关键字: | 空気調和・衛生工学会 SHASEJ 空衛学会 設備士 工学会設備士 CPD 技術フェロー シンポジウム 講習会 研修会 学会誌 資格 発行図書 | | |
网站标题: | CPD Online |
网站简介: | CPD online is a platform to provide a comprehensive and flexible training on CPD |
关键字: | cpd online cpd online learning online learning safety hygiene | | |
网站标题: | Professional Insurance Brokers Association |
网站简介: | *ed in 1988, PIBA has been promoting professionalism among the insurance broking industry; from 30 June 1995 and until 22 September 2019, PIBA had been one of the three Self-Regulatory Organizations authorized by the Insurance Authority (IA) pursuant to the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41). |
关键字: | PIBA Insurance CPD association self-regulatory organization broker brokers insure ins profession professional member license licensed TR 經紀協會 協會 自我規管 組織 經紀 經紀人 經紀公司 保險 | | |
网站标题: | 上海盛位电子技术有限公司 |
网站简介: | 盛位电子是业内领先的B型剩余电流检测解决方案提供商,主营业务为MastCurr®系列B型剩余电流检测模块和eMorse®系列B型剩余电流测试台。公司拥有先进的技术开发和管理经验,自成立以来技术研发成果显著,获得多项专利认*,其中涵盖发明专利、实用新型专利和软件著作权。 |
关键字: | B型漏电 B型剩余电流 IC-CPD A+6漏电 A+6剩余电流 MC00 Type B 欧标漏保 美标漏保 板载漏电 | | |
网站标题: | SAAD - * |
网站简介: | SAAD Sedation Courses, IACSD accredited, experienced sedation teachers providing intr*enous and inhalation sedation, IVS IHS RA, training for the whole dental team, dentists, DCPs, dental nurses, hygienists and therapists |
关键字: | IVS IS dental sedation conscious sedation Sedation CPD inhalation IV RA IHS SAAD SAAD Courses SAAD Courses train training with SAAD IACSD dental team dental therapist dental hygienist DCP | | |
网站标题: | Willkommen bei der S-Cert AG |
网站简介: | Zertifizierungsstelle für Bauprodukte, für Personen im Bauwesen und Probenahmestellen für Innenraumluftmessungen |
关键字: | Bauproduktezertifizierung Bauprodukterichtlinie CPD CPR BauPV BauPG BauPR Beton Gesteinskörnungen Mischgut Zement Betonzusatzmittel Flugasche Füllgut Spannglieder | | |
网站标题: | MTI | Player and Coach Education Courses |
网站简介: | Looking to manage your LTA CPD Coach Accreditation* Look no further than Modern Tennis International (MTI). As CPD Tennis Education Specialists, our thought-provoking tennis courses and online resources are designed to help you stay up-to-date and improve your coaching s*s. Trust MTI to help you meet your accreditation requirements and take your coaching to the next level. |
关键字: | LTA Tennis Coach Accreditation Courses MTI Modern Tennis International CPD Tennis Education Specialists coaching accreditation requirements. | | |
网站标题: | AusDoc | Australian health care professional community platform |
网站简介: | Create an account or log into AusDoc. Connect with health care proffessionals. Stay informed with the latest news, clinical updates and CPD education. |
关键字: | ausdoc australian doctor medical observer 6minutes smart practice clinical focus specialist updates cpd courses health care professionals medical professionals medical community medical ne | | |
网站标题: | NeuroCreative Studio |
网站简介: | Supporting organisational development, culture change and employee wellbeing through pragmatic, practical and fun tools and techniques from applied neuroscience. |
关键字: | organisational development culture change DEI HR team development applied neuroscience cpd wellbeing employee benefit programmes workshops | | |
网站标题: | Networking Master Class |
网站简介: | The Chemistry Clubs Networking Masterclass |
关键字: | Networking masterclass bruton group chemistry club london CPD master class COE business communication chemistryclub thechemistry thechemistryclub brutongroup thebrutongroup technology Energy Sustainab |