网站标题: Building Farmers Owned Food Brands - Pilot Project: Chocolates
网站简介: We believe that this world deserves brands that can be trusted! Brands that are 100% transparent about how they produce their products. We help in building new brands that are 100% transparent and co-owned by farmers. Blockchain technology is used to ensure the integrity and AI tools are used to showcase this to consumers
关键字: farmer  cooperatives  organic  farmers  indian  organic  farmers  most  transparent  brand  blockchain  integrated  brand  blockchain  chocolate  blockchain  supply  chains  blockchain  cocoa  
网站标题: MBWin - Banking Software for Microfinance and Rural Banks
网站简介: The FAO-GIZ MicroBanking System for Windows (MBWin) is an integrated banking software used by rural banks and microfinance institutions in more than 500 organizations in 22 countries worldwide.
关键字: MBWin  Microbanker  FAO-GIZ  Microbanking  System  Microbanking  FAO  Microbanker  FAO-GIZ  microbanker  Banking  Software  Microfinance  Rural  Banks  Credit  Unions  SACCOs  Finance  Cooperatives  
网站标题: CoopWorks
网站简介: CoopWorks is a two-month entrepreneurship program for early-stage team startups in the field of platform cooperatives. We provide co-ops know-how, coaching, mentoring and an active online community working in cooperatives and inclusive digitalization.
关键字: Cooperatives  CoopWorks  early  stage  startup  europe  program  platform  cooperatives  resilient  jobs  innovative  apply  october  2020  entrepreneurship  netowrk  coaches  mentorship  global  movem  
网站标题: Community Association Management Company serving Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia | Com
网站简介: Serving the needs of *owner associations, condominium associations and cooperatives throughout the Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia area for over 40 years. Comsource Management is a full service Community Association Management Company. * a Free Proposal. Our experienced property managers are here to help.
关键字: Serving  the  needs  of  associations  condominium  associations  and  cooperatives  throughout  the  Washington  DC  Maryland  and  Northern  Virginia  area  for  over  40  years.  Comsource  Management  is  a  fu  
网站标题: co-oppundit → Start page
网站简介: Cooperatives, Credit Unions, Building Societies, Friendly Societies are all self-help enterprise, improving performance of co-ops
关键字: cooperatives  co-operatives  co-ops  mutuals  cooperative  amp;amp;  mutual  enterprises  CMEs  friendly  societies  building  societies  worker  co-ops  community  benefit  societies  business  models  co  
网站标题: Centre for Microfinance Nepal
网站简介: The Centre for Microfinance (CMF) Nepal was established in July 2000 to strengthen the capacity of microfinance institutions and enable them to provide s*ings, credit, and other financial services to the poor, with women as a focal point.
关键字: Microfinace  Nepal  CMF  Cooperatives  Microfinance  Summit  
网站标题:  Sitemaster
网站简介:  Sitemaster
关键字: property  condos  michigan  family  owned  marcus  management  NAHC  MAHC  Ralph  Marcus  Mortgage  Payoff  for  Cooperatives  Long  Term  Financial  Planning  Strategic  Planning  Sessions  Operational  Systems  
网站标题: Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas
网站简介: Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas Economic Development exist to increase the quality of life and business advantages for electric cooperative members.
关键字: Electric  Cooperatives  of  Arkansas  Arkansas  Business  Advantages  Arkansas  Economic  Development  Arkansas  EconDev  Site  Selectors  Arkansas  Site  Selection  Arkansas  Arkansas  Business  Assistance  Distri  
网站标题: Mutualist.Org: Free Market Anti-Capitalism
网站简介: Mutualist.Org: Free Market Anti-Capitalism
关键字: mutualism  mutualist  individualist  anarchism  anarchist  proudhon  warren  tucker  mutualist  faq  dual  power  counter-economics  cooperatives  cooperative  libertarian  free  market  
网站标题: PACRA - Patents and Companies Registration Agency
网站简介: The Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) is a semi-autonomous executive agency of the Zambian Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. Its principal functions are to operate a legal system for registration and protection of commercial and industrial property and to serve as a legal depository of the information tendered for registration.
关键字: Patents  and  Companies  Registration  agency  PACRA  patents  trademarks  industrial  designs  copyrights  intellectual  property  cooperatives  registration  mortgages  Business  starts  here  annual  returns  

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