网站标题: 株式会社アットグリーン
网站简介: %description%
关键字: AT  GREEN  アットグリーン  カーボン  オフセット  フットプリント  ニュートラル  CO2削減証書  地球温暖化問題  気候変動  排出量  削減  二酸化炭素  GHG  温暖化ガス  燃費  CSR  植林  バイバイ
网站标题: Energy & Environmental Research Center | University of North Dakota
网站简介: The EERC is a leading developer of cleaner, more efficient energy to power the world and environmental technologies to protect our air, water, and soil.
关键字: energy  clean  environmental  technologies  innovative  EERC  UND  EERC  co2  carbon  dioxide  greenhouse  gases  carbon  footprint  carbon  emissions  ghg  emissions  co2  emissions  greenhouse  gas  emissio
网站标题: *
网站简介: Das ESG-Tool unterstützt bei der Analyse der Nachhaltigkeits-Performance von Unternehmen/Organisationen und bei der Erstellung des Nachhaltigkeitsberichts. Footprint-Berechnungen und Leistungsindikatoren nach GRI, EMAS, GHG-Protocol, NFI und weiteren Standards. Abbildung von komplexen Organigrammen, Auswertungen individuell konfigurierbar.
关键字: Footprints  und  GRI-Standard  für  Nachhaltigkeitsberichte  ESG-Tool  EMAS  CDP  NFI  NaDiVeG  GHG  Protocol  Rucksäcke  ökologischer  Fußabdruck
网站标题: Greenhouse Gas Management / Since 1998
网站简介: Carbon Solutions is a consulting firm for green house gas reductions and offsets.
关键字: carbon  solution  carbonsolutions  Green  carbon  footprint  GHG  offsets  E-GGRT  EPA  reporting  kyoto  protocol  gwp  global  warming  greenhouse  gas  accouning  ghg  training  climate  action  cal
网站标题: MRV
网站简介: Türkiyede Sera Gazı Emisyonlarının İzlenmesi, Raporlanması ve Doğrulanması Konusunda Kapasite Geliştirilmesi Projesi / Capacity Development for the Implementation of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Turkey
关键字: sera  gazı  çevre  ve  şehircilik  bakanlığı  giz  karbon  carbon  greenhouse  gas  ghg  proje  project  BMU  MRV  İRD  ETS  emisyon  ticaret  sistemi  izleme  raporlama  doğrulama  monitoring  reporting  ve
网站标题: All Gas: Monitoramento de Emissões Atmosféricas
网站简介: Monitoramento e Estudos de Emissões Atmosféricas para todo Brasil.
关键字: gases  efeito  estufa  ghg  protocol  inventário  de  gases
网站标题: AsiaFlux 2022
网站简介: AsiaFlux had just celebrated its 20th anniversary in Takayama, Japan, and we are very honoured and excited to host AsiaFlux Conference 2022 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia; which also coincides with our 10-year anniversary of our tower flux measurements in Sarawak Malaysia. Both Hokkaido University Japan and National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES) Japan will be co-organisers of the Conference.
关键字: AsiaFlux  Sarawak  Japan  AsiaFlux  Conference  AsiaFlux  Conference  2022  carbon  dioxide  water  vapor  energy  terrestrial  ecosystems  atmosphere  Tropical  amp;  Subtropical  Ecosystem  GHG  Cycling  SUSTAINABLE  LA  

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