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网站标题: | The Marginal |
网站简介: | The Marginal presents many screenplays for films and TV series, including many new ideas. It also helps science fiction writers and scientific consultants with scientific reports and other informations. It is the official website of Roland Michel Tremblay, Author and Scriptwriter. |
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网站标题: | The &*39;X&*39; Zone TV Channel |
网站简介: | The X Zone TV Channel is a division of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company that produces, broadcasts, streams, distributes and syndicates XZTV Programs to an International viewing audience. XZTV is *ailable on SimulTV.com. |
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网站标题: | The &*39;X&*39; Zone Radio/TV Show - Official Site |
网站简介: | The X Zone Radio Show has been bringing people around the world the news and stories from the world of the paranormal and the science of parapsychology. The creator, showrunner, and host is Canadian broadcaster and media personality Rob McConnell. |
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网站标题: | The &*39;X&*39; Chronicles Newspaper - Publishing Since 1990 |
网站简介: | The X Chronicles Newspaper was first published in January 1990 and has been published monthly since. The X Chronicles was the first newspaper to cover the world of the paranormal and the science of parapsychology. email publisher@xchroniclesnewspaper. |
关键字: | paranormal parapsychology ghost haunting possession exorcism demon ufo extraterrestrial alien abduction conspiracy cover-up psychic astrology medium after-life communication rel-mar |
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网站简介: | Word of Life/ Mike Thompson Ministries is a Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, Prophetic Ministry - Proclaiming Jesus is Lord! Revival-culture, counter-culture, untraditional… Preaching the Word of Life and Grace since 1977. Based in Las Vegas, NV. God is calling His people out of the Religious System into the joy of Sonship. “Because of JESUS, He*en is Open to You!”&*xD;&*xA;Releasing God’s Glory for Revival! Hear the Prophet’s Heart – Locally or by Live-Strea |
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