网站标题: International Journal of English Language Literature and Translation Studies  (IJELR), *ed
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网站标题: The 3rd New Energy and Energy Storage System Control Summit Forum (NEESSC 2023)
网站简介: New Energy and Energy Storage System Control Summit Forum, EI Compendex, SCI Scopus, EI检索,SCI期刊
关键字: New  Energy  and  Energy  Storage  System  Control  Summit  Forum  EI  Compendex  SCI  Scopus  
网站标题: Iraj | institute of research and journals
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网站标题: SSRG | Engineering, Science and Humanities Journals
网站简介: Seventh Sense Research Group ( SSRG ) is one of top peer–reviewed open access journal publisher covering Engineering, Technology, Medicine and Social Sciences.
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网站标题: 2023 7th International Workshop on Renewable Energy and Development (IWRED 2023)
网站简介: 可再生能源,能源发展,EI,Scopus,Renewable Energy and Development
关键字: 可再生能源  能源发展  EI  Scopus  Renewable  Energy  and  Development  
网站标题: Fortune Journals | Open Access Peer Reviewed Journals Publisher | Houston, USA
网站简介: Fortune Journals aims to get good impact factor and *ig in PubMed, PMC, Scopus, Medline, ESCI, impact journals, *ed journals, 2017, 2018, 2019
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网站标题: Translational Biomedicine Journal | Peer Reviewed | High Impact
网站简介: Translational Biomedicine is high impact Scopus *ed Journal which publishes original and scientific research, High Impact Journal
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网站标题: ICACAR 2022-2022 5th International Conference on Advanced Control, Automation and Robotics
网站简介: 2022 5th International Conference on Advanced Control, Automation and Robotics
关键字: Advanced  Control  Automation  Robotics  Fuzzy  Control  Image  Processing  EI  scopus  
网站标题: ECCSIT 2021-2021 European Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
网站简介: 2021 European Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
关键字: Computer  Science  and  Information  Technology  Algorithms  Information  Systems  EI  Scopus  
网站标题: ISEEIE 2022-2022 International Symposium on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
网站简介: 2022 International Symposium on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
关键字: Electrical  Electronics  and  Information  Engineering  EI  conference  Scopus  conference  

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