网站标题: CFILC - California *ation for Independent Living Centers
网站简介: The mission of the California *ation for Independent Living Centers is increasing access and equal opportunity for people with disabilities by building the capacity of Independent Living Centers.
关键字: youth  disability  disabled  youth  organizing  disabled  and  proud  independent  living  disability  rights  ed  roberts  olmstead  systems  change  network  assistive  technology
网站标题: Programs and Coalitions of CFILC | California *ation for Independent Living Centers
网站简介: The mission of the California *ation for Independent Living Centers is increasing access and equal opportunity for people with disabilities by building the capacity of Independent Living Centers.
关键字: youth  disability  disabled  youth  organizing  disabled  and  proud  independent  living  disability  rights  ed  roberts  olmstead  systems  change  network  assistive  technology
网站标题: Independent Living Resource Center | Tri-County Area of Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo
网站简介: The mission of the Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. (ILRC) is to promote independent living and full access for individuals with disabilities through advocacy, education and action in our communities.
关键字: santa  barbara  county  ventura  county  san  luis  obispo  county  santa  maria  youth  disability  disabled  rights  organizing  independent  living  disability  rights  ed  roberts  assistive  technology
网站标题:  NATADS L*
网站简介: NATADS©
关键字: Center  for  Assistive  Technology  Act  Data  Assistance
网站标题: Teltex Assistive Technology - Products and Services
网站简介: Teltex sells assistive technology devices for people with a disability - including Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind, Low-Vision, Mobility, Cognitive, and Intellectual.
关键字: Assistive  Technology  Devices  amplified  telephones  notification  systems  assistive  listening  low-vision  products  iPads  iPhones  smart
网站标题: Family Voices Colorado Resource Database
网站简介: Colorado Resource Directory is a comprehensive repository developed to assist Colorado families to find assistance and resources. The Colorado Resource Directory is the only comprehensive statewide Colorado guide to family and community services from a Family Leader perspective! No matter where you live in Colorado, this is a great source for resources to help people. The service providers within this directory can help you with practically any personal or family concern.
关键字: Family  Voices  Colorado  advocacy  education  children  healthcare  support  AT  Tech  Act  Assistive  Technology  augmentative  technology  funding  financial  assistance  als  wheelchairs  search  categor
网站标题: Mississippi Project START - Assistive Rehabilitative Technology
网站简介: Project START&*039;s goal is to improve the provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities of all ages in Mississippi through comprehensive statewide programs of technology-related assistance.
关键字: Project  START  assistive  technology  disabilities  technology-related  assistance  Device  Demonstration  Device  Training  Public  Awareness  Device  Loan  Program  Device  Reutilization  Program  Funding  In
网站标题: Funded by MRC’s MassMATCH program, REquipment provides free, recycled medical equipment in Mas
网站简介: MassMATCH is the Commonwealths initiative to Maximize Assistive Technology (AT) in Consumers Hands. Through partnerships with community-based organizations, MassMATCH is currently creating new AT programs and working to coordinate AT services throughout the Commonwealth. MassMATCH is one of 56 state-level AT initiatives in the United States. Our mission is to promote the use of assistive technology and assistive technology services to enhance the independence of people with disabilities, enabli
关键字: massmatch  assistive  technology  AT  disabilities  massachusetts  consumers  assistive  devices  AT  Act  Tech  Act
网站标题: Karma Healthcare (Karma Medical India) - A Better Wheelchair, A Better Fit!
网站简介: KARMA is based out of Taiwan, world’s leading Brand in Mobility Products from ergonomic manual wheelchair to power wheelchair. KARMA HEALTHCARE is the Indian arm of KARMA Taiwan and we h*e more than 150 team members operating all over India to provide fast service and one stop * medical products and solutions.
关键字: wheelchair  wheelchairs  wheelchair  brand  assistive  mobility
网站标题: *
网站简介: *
关键字: assistive  robots  mute  disabled  quadriplegic  remote  presence  robots  for  humanity  headtracker  stroke  basilar  artery  dissection  als  stroke  

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