网站标题: Allan Eaglesham&*39;s Manuscript Editing Service
网站简介: Allan Eaglesham&*39;s Manuscript Editing Service
关键字: Allan  Eaglesham  Manuscript  Service  copyediting  copy  editing  copy-editing  editing  copyeditor  copy  editor  copy-editor  editor  grant  proposal  English  English  language  English  English
网站标题: Training | Freelancers | Standards | Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
网站简介: The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading is a professional organisation based in the UK for editors and proofreaders - people who strive to make text accurate and readable through proofreading and editing services.
关键字: ciep  sfep  editor  edit  editing  copyeditor  copy-editor  copyediting  copy-editing  proofreader  proof-reader  proofread  proof-read  proofreading  proof-reading  reader  read  reading  directory
网站标题: *: Academic Copy Editor
网站简介: Academic editing services for the academic community: dissertations, journal articles, books.
关键字: academic  editing  academic  editor  academic  copy  editing  academic  copyediting  academic  copyeditor  ESL  editor  dissertation  editor
网站标题: Training | Freelancers | Standards | Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
网站简介: The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading is a professional organisation based in the UK for editors and proofreaders - people who strive to make text accurate and readable through proofreading and editing services.
关键字: ciep  sfep  editor  edit  editing  copyeditor  copy-editor  copyediting  copy-editing  proofreader  proof-reader  proofread  proof-read  proofreading  proof-reading  reader  read  reading  directory
网站标题: * Edit :: Katharine O&*39;Moore-Klopf :: consulting medical editor
网站简介: * Edit: consulting medical editor. * Edit does copyediting, substantive editing, and English-language editing for book publishers and authors.
关键字: copyeditor  copyediting  medical  copyeditor  editing  editorial  Katharine  OMoore-Klopf  Edit  consulting  medical  editor  book  manuscript  author  medical  biomedical  nonfiction  journal  web  site  publish  publ  

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