网站标题: * - Seneca Highlands IU9
网站简介: The intermediate unit is an organization through which school districts can work cooperatively to provide services which they cannot afford or prefer not to offer individually. By providing certain services cooperatively, districts can *oid duplication of personnel, building space, instructional materials, and equipment. Intermediate Unit nine also has been assigned responsibilities by the legislature and by the department of education.
关键字: Seneca  highlands  intermediate  unit  9  iu9  Seneca  highlands  unit  ix  SPED  services  for  elk  county  cameron  county  mcKean  county  potter  county  early  intervention  for  elk  county  cameron  county  mcKean  county  
网站标题: The Housing Authority of the County of Armstrong Online
网站简介: Housing Authority County of Armstrong
关键字: Armstrong  County  Housing  Authority  Kittanning  PA  Armstrong  Court  Allegheny  Manor  Parkview  Apartments  Luxemburg  Manor  Lee  Towers  Warren  Manor  Garden  Towers  South  McKean  Way  Friendship  
网站标题: McKean County Weather
网站简介: McKean County, smethport, mt.jewett, bradford, personal weather station
关键字: weather  mckean  county  bradford  smethport  mt.  jewett  kane  earthquake  radar  advisories  history  forecast  

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