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网站标题: | Yogaskolan |
网站简介: | Yogaskolan |
关键字: | Yogaskolan Yoga yoga Karina Freij Hanna Staaff Krishnamacharya KYM TKV Desikachar Patanjali yoga sutra sutra asana pranayama meditation kurser lektioner 謘tersund Karlstad Stoc | | |
网站标题: | - Yoga Therapy for Speech / Language Disorders |
网站简介: | Yoga for Speech is a program created by Selene Gatzonis to treat fluency and other speech and language disorders in conjunction with therapy. It is a fun approach to improving breathing and posture for speech. |
关键字: | stuttering yoga for speech language therapy Selene Gatzonis breathing pranayama asana NYSSLHA downward dog bees breath meditation yogi research fluency breath support SLP pathologist | | |
网站标题: | MyLifeYoga: health, wellness, and lifestyle. |
网站简介: | A resource for health, wellness and lifestyle choices. |
关键字: | mylifeyoga my life yoga mylife yoga my lifeyoga yoga yoga studio yoga teacher hatha yoga postures asana viniyasa pranayama meditation ayurveda health spirituality stress reduction yoga sutras patanjal | | |
网站标题: | Health And Yoga - Health naturally! |
网站简介: | Learn all about yoga from a beginners perspective including meditation , yoga cleansing methods , pregnancy yoga , pranayama , tr*el to yoga destinations and discover exciting yoga supplies such as yoga mats , neti pot , and much more. |
关键字: | yoga yoga cleansing meditation pranayama pregnancy yoga yoga supplies yoga yoga packages yoga jobs yoga classes yoga advertising yoga teachers yoga courses yoga certif | | |
网站标题: | Dakini Yoga - Zenna Ariel, Yoga Master, Edmonton |
网站简介: | Dakini Yoga with Yoga Master Zenna Ariel |
关键字: | yoga dakini dakini yoga Zenna Ariel zena ursuliak edmonton st. albert canada alberta yoga master yoga classes yoga events natural health hatha sun salutations pranayama mudras bandhas | | |
网站标题: | CENTROAYURVEDA e discipline complementari - HOME |
网站简介: | Il CENTROAYURVEDA e discipline complementari è stato costituito a Genova nell’ottobre del 2000 dal Prof. Guido Nathan Zazzu, che ha conseguito il titolo di Vaidya presso il CILUS sotto la guida della Dott.ssa Lucia Tommasini Mattiucci, e di Specialista (Ayurveda Nishnat) presso l’Accademia Ayurvedica di Pune, India, sotto la guida del Prof. P. H. Kulkarni. |
关键字: | centroayurveda genova guido nathan zazzu ayurveda yoga pranayama massaggio craniosacrale riflessologia chinesiologia moxa depurazione shank prakshalana meditazione om aspetti emozionali | | |
网站标题: | Breathwork - Deep Breathing Exercises, Pranayama Breathing |
网站简介: | Discover the Power of Breathing and breathwork! Use these powerful deep breathing exercises and techniques to boost your health, eliminate tension and improve your mental powers. |
关键字: | breathwork deep breathing exercises breathing techniques breathing exercise pranayama breathing yogic breathing yoga breathing stress breathing relaxed breathing diaphragmatic breathing calm | | |
网站标题: | * Standard Fullscreen - Yoga Zaragoza |
网站简介: | Escuela de yoga en Zaragoza dirigida por Lydia Galdamez. La teoría y práctica impartidas en el centro están basadas en la formación transmitida por Manuel Morata. Yoga Terapéutico, relajación, karanas, pranayama y meditación. Una escuela de yoga Zaragoza profesional. El Yoga es una ciencia universal, precisa y atemporal desarrollada a tr*és de centenares de años que persigue el bienestar y la prosperidad física, mental y espiritual de la persona. |
关键字: | yoga zaragoza centro de yoga yoga hatha Lydia Galdamez aprender yoga karanas asanas relajacion pranayama meditación |
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