网站标题: Rotoplas
网站简介: Rotoplas is the largest exposition for the rotational molding industry, offering the latest in advanced technology, products, services and innovative parts made specifically for the rotomolding process
关键字: rotoplas  rotational  molding  convention  industry  advanced  technology  products  services  parts  rotomolding  international  rotational  molding  manufacturers  suppliers  designers  engineers  resea
网站标题: NINGBO RICH ROTOMOLDING INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. - professional rotomolding OEM manufacture, rotational
网站简介: We offer the most professional plastic rotomolding and roto mold manufacturing service, with 3D CAD software, and innovative machinery, our strong design and engineering team will take your product from a concept to a reality. We offer Rotational Molding
关键字: rotational  molding  rotomolding  rotational  mold  roto  mold  aluminum  mold  kayak  tank  case
网站标题: CZ PLAST - výroba z plastu
网站简介: testovaci stranka
关键字: CZ  PLAST  výroba  z  plastů  rotomolding
网站标题: 滚塑加工,滚塑产品,滚塑-宁波静和滚塑科技有限公司
网站简介: 宁波市静和滚塑科技有限公司自2009年成立以来一直致力于现代滚塑产品的研发和滚塑技术的革新,先后生产过国内外大型的复杂滚塑异形件,如:滚塑电瓶汽车和三轮车壳﹑滚塑大型水箱、滚塑皮划艇、滚塑休闲家具和滚塑儿童玩具...
关键字: 滚塑加工  滚塑产品  滚塑模具  rotomolding  

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