网站标题: 市内通信电缆,矿用通信电缆,光伏发电板接地线,矿用控制电缆,矿用七芯拉力电缆,监控电缆,屏蔽计算机电缆,电话电缆,控制电缆,监控电缆,信号电缆,RS485专用电缆,DP总线电缆,变频器电缆,组合电缆-
网站简介: 天津市电缆总厂第一分厂主营产品有市内通信电缆,矿用通信电缆,矿用控制电缆,屏蔽计算机电缆,电话电缆,控制电缆,监控电缆,信号电缆,RS485专用电缆,DP总线电缆,变频器电缆,组合电缆
关键字: 市内通信电缆  矿用通信电缆  光伏发电板接地线  矿用控制电缆  矿用七芯拉力电缆  监控电缆  屏蔽计算机电缆  电话电缆  控制电缆  监控电缆  信号电缆  RS485专用电缆  DP总线电缆  变频器电缆  组合电缆
网站标题: Telebyte RS232, RS422, RS485, Fiber Optic interface converters and more
网站简介: RS232 RS422 RS485 interface converters, fiber optics, modems and more from Telebyte.
关键字: RS232  RS422  RS485  interface  converters  short  haul  modems  fiber  optic  products  media  converters  isolation  products  dina  rail  mounted  products  lighning  surge  protectors  multiplexors  modems  ligh
网站标题: 深圳市金万兴电线电缆实业有限公司
网站简介: 金万兴工业电缆;金万兴智能系统控制电缆
关键字: 金万兴;欧标电缆;VDE电缆;RS485电缆;工业影像电缆;拖链电缆;编码器电缆;
网站标题: Sintech adapter: developer and manufacturer of computer laptop diagnostic test post debug card,RS232
网站简介: Sintech adapter: developer and manufacturer of computer laptop diagnostic test post debug card,RS232
关键字: computer  laptop  diagnostic  test  post  debug  card  RS232  RS485-RS422  serial  ethernet  converter  PCI  PCI  express  riser  card
网站标题: Submersible Natural Gas Flow Meters, Natural Gas Production Controllers
网站简介: Submersible Natural Gas Flow Meters, Natural Gas Production Controllers
关键字: Keller  submersible  differential  digital  RS485  RF  modem  flow  meter  corrosion  datalogger
网站标题: SET - Current/Voltage/Power Transducer Manufacturer
网站简介: Sensor Electronic Technology (SET) provides high-quality current transducer / sensor and customer-oriented solutions for measuring electrical parameters. Core products- current /voltage / power transducers - are used in broad range of applications such as solar system, automation, power system, inverter, rectifier, UPS, process control.
关键字: Current  Transducer  Voltage  Transducer  Hall  Effect  Sensor  Digital  Current  Transducer  RS485  Output  Transducer  Leakage  Current  Transducer  Multi-Function  Transducer  Split  Core  Transducer  True  RMS
网站标题: RS232 to RS485 Converter and Adapter Wiki
网站简介: What is a RS232 to RS485 converter and how is it used* How do I choose the right model and how do I connect it* What to look for when shopping for a RS232 to RS485 converter
关键字: rs232  to  rs485  rs232  rs485  converter  rs-485  rs-232  rs232  rs485  adapter  EIA-485  TIA/EIA-485  TIA/EIA-232
网站标题: 东莞虎门发宜电子有限公司-FTDI-品诺威 FTDI CABLE USB 2.0 RS232 RS485 RS422 CONSOLE USB TO UART COM串口线
网站简介: 品诺威 专业生产定制串口线FTDI CABLE USB RJ45 CONSOLE DB9 RS232 RS485 RS422串口线,欢迎前来工厂参观洽谈合作
关键字: 品诺威  电脑周边  手机周边数据连接线  COM  串口线  FTDI  USB  DB9  RS232  RS485  RS422  USB  RJ45  CONSOLE串口线
网站标题: RS485电缆_RS485屏蔽通信电缆总线-485专用通讯线缆
网站简介: 提供rs485电缆、铠装485电缆等通信电缆,品种齐全、价格优惠,欢迎来电详询
关键字: RS485电缆
网站标题: 爱阳动力iYPOWER「官网」,AGV/AMR机器人锂电池|家庭储能锂电池|电动叉车锂电池||动力及储能锂电池
网站简介: 爱阳动力官网,AGV锂电池/AMR锂电池,家庭储能锂电池/工商业储能锂电池,电动叉车/高尔夫球车锂电池,工业锂电池,锂电池及BMS定制开发
关键字: AGV/AMR锂电池  家庭储能锂电池  户用储能锂电池  工商业储能  电动叉车锂电池  高尔夫球车锂电池  工业锂电池  48V100Ah  51.2V100Ah  5KWh  10KWh  48V200Ah  48V300Ah  24V100Ah  24V200Ah  12V100Ah  12V200Ah  BMS  RS485通信  CAN通信  逆变器  384V100Ah  

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